Keynote Speaker

Sherry Lachine


Zoom Online


10:30 am
11:30 am

Upcoming event

Strategies for Mental Health Wellness - In Times of Sustained Stress

October 27, 2020
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Event Summary

"I wish I knew these skills sooner!" We are going to discuss and practice the tools we can use to move through stressors big and small, seen and unseen.

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Meet our speaker.

Sherry Lachine

Sherry is the owner of Broadmind, a company that focuses on strategies for mental health and giving back to the community. She facilitates mental health courses for the Mental Health Commission of Canada and helps workplaces and community members learn the skills and knowledge to become high functioning teams and connected people.

Broadmind brings together professionals who are engaging and passionate about this education from a variety of professional angles to further inform and support individuals and groups.

Sherry is a firm believer that these skills are an essential part of productivity, engagement, employee retention, and an overall good sense of purpose and wellbeing. Want to sign up for other important courses or certifications? Visit

Event overview

We know that when we are not our best selves it may seem that tasks are harder and tempers are shorter. This has an impact on our professional and personal lives. Learning and practicing the tools to take care of our mental health in the moment and in the long term can really help.
In this hour participants will have an opportunity to engage and practice tools for better mental health.

Where we'll be

Zoom Online

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